Jordan in 7 Days (customizable)

Book this private trip, which takes you and your private party through Jordan’s highlights and best in seven days.

Tour overview

7 days in Jordan, book this private trip, which takes you and your private party through Jordan’s highlights and best in seven days. Your own driver will transport you to Wadi Rum, Petra, and other locations. You will not need to plan any logistics; instead, let your driver do it while you enjoy this wonderful nation.
Throughout the excursion, private transportation is provided.
There is no need to spend time planning everyday logistics.
You must book your own meals and accommodations.
Book this tour service to make the most of each day.

Tour itinerary

Day 1: Ajloun, Jerash, and Um Qais

Jerash is one of the ten Decapolis Roman towns; it is the largest Roman city outside of Rome and has some of the best preserved Roman remains in the world; you will have two hours to visit it. SalahAddine, a Muslim commander, erected Ajloun Castle, or Arrabad Castle to safeguard pilgrims on their route to Makkah. It is built on the tallest peak in Ajloun. During the Hellenistic and Roman centuries, Umm Qais or (Gadara) was a center of Greek culture in the area. The earliest archaeological evidence at Umm Qais dates back to the second half of the third century BC, and Alexander the Great established the location as a military colony. You may also see it from there.

From there, you can also see the Sea of Galilee and a portion of Nazareth, where Jesus (peace be upon him) was born.
Accommodation is not provided.

Meals are not included.


Day 2: Desert Castles and a City Tour

The Amman Citadel is on a hill above the capital city of Amman. This historic monument includes a 1700-meter-long Bronze Age wall, the renowned Temple of Hercules, and the Umayyad Palace. The Amman Citadel is perhaps one of the greatest sites to visit in Amman because it has so many historic landmarks. You will see the Roman Amphitheater in the heart of Amman’s ancient town, which was formerly known as Philadelphia. It was erected in the second century and can seat 6000 people.

Based on a graffito in one of its upper chambers, it is thought to have been erected before the early 8th century AD, despite apparent Sassanid influences. On the location, there might have been a Greek or Byzantine home. It is one of the region’s oldest examples of Islamic architecture. Walid Ibn Yazid, the future Umayyad caliph Walid II, who ruled the region at the time, erected it between 723 and 743. It is widely regarded as one of the most significant examples of early Islamic art and architecture. Its strategic importance stemmed from the neighboring oasis, which served as the only supply of water in a broad desert region. These inspired the names of the stronghold and its adjacent town. The village was known as Basie in antiquity, and the Romans were the first to exploit it for military purposes. Later, an early mosque was erected in the center. It did not take on its current appearance until the Ayyubids renovated and expanded it in the 13th century, using locally mined basalt, which makes the fortress darker than most other buildings in the region.

Accommodation is not provided.

Meals are not included.

Day 3: The King's Highway

Mount Nebo is a ridge of the Abarim in Jordan that rises 710 meters (2,330 feet) above sea level. The Hebrew Bible mentions it as the location where Moses was allowed a vision of the Promised Land. The top offers a panoramic view of the country as well as a more limited perspective of the Jordan River valley to the north. On a clear day, the West Bank city of Jericho, as well as Jerusalem, are visible from the summit. The Dead Sea is also visible. The Madaba Mosaic Map, which is part of a floor mosaic in the early Byzantine church of Saint George in Madaba, is housed at Saint George Church, also known as (The Church of the Map). The Madaba Map is a Middle Eastern map that has the earliest surviving original geographic portrayal of the Holy Land, particularly Jerusalem. It was built in the sixth century AD.

This church is a Latin Catholic church, and it is the oldest church continually holding religious ceremonies since it was established till now. There are various paintings, frescoes, and sculptures representing the life of John the Baptist (Yahya) at this museum. It also has an acropolis made up of ancient basements and an old Moabi spring, as well as other historic monuments beneath the church that were originally used as a temple, a school, and a priest’s residence. The church also adheres to the Latin school of thought. A reproduction of a Byzantine mosaic floor unearthed at Umm al-Rasas may be found in the monastery tourist center. You will also be able to go up to the tower bell and have a glimpse of Madaba.

Wadi al Mujib, commonly known as the “almost certainly” biblical Arnon Stream, is a Jordanian river canyon that flows into the Dead Sea. You will pause to snap photographs of the valley (Wadi) that separates Madaba from Karak. Kerak fortress is a magnificent Crusader fortress in Jordan’s al-Karak. It is the Levant’s second-biggest crusader fortress. The fortress was built in the 1140s by Pagan and Fulk, King of Jerusalem. It was known as Crac des Moabites or “Karak in Moab” by the Crusaders. Explore Al-Shobak Crusader Castle (Montreal Castle) and its spectacular position; on your journey to this castle, you will pass the world’s tiniest hotel.

You will arrive in Petra late at night and spend the night there before seeing the next morning.
Accommodation is not provided.

Meals are not included.

Day 4:Petra Free Day

Explore one of the seven wonders of the world, Jordan’s most priceless gem and most popular tourist site. Discover the ancient Nabatainian city that was carved out of rose rocks over 2000 years ago!

Accommodation is not provided.

Meals are not included.

Day 5: Wadi Rum

Mars on Earth, where several films about Mars have been filmed, including The Martian 2015, Aladdin, Star Wars Dune, and many others.
Accommodation is not provided.

Meals are not included.

Day 6: Dead Sea & Red Sea

Pass to Aqaba for some shopping and perhaps some snorkeling and diving in the Red Sea! before proceeding to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth and the saltiest sea or lake on the planet (11 times saltier), allowing your body to float effortlessly on it.
Accommodation is not provided.

Meals are not included.

7 days : Relax at the Dead Sea.

Being the lowest point on Earth provides you the advantage of having the most oxygen in the globe, making it the greatest spot to rest and conclude your Jordan trip.
Accommodation is not provided.

Meals are not included.




We enjoyed ten days in Jordan, spending the first five days with a friend in Amman. So we were overjoyed when we discovered this personalized trip. We were provided a sample suggested itinerary and were allowed to modify it to fit our needs. Communication with Yahia, our main driver, was simple, and he answered quickly. Some days we wanted to get a lot done, while others we wanted to rest or travel an hour or so to our next location. He insisted on being the boss and was a pleasure to work with. He gave itinerary ideas and assisted us in arranging trips. We had a lovely time and were not compelled to do anything. He gave itinerary ideas and assisted us in arranging trips. We had a terrific experience and were not pushed to take a tour that was one size fits all. Thank you for sharing your time and life with us on this memorable journey, Yahia (John). It comes highly recommended. These 7 days in Jordan were amazing.



The excursion 7days in Jordan was fantastic, and Yahia's tour of Jordan was an unforgettable experience. I was traveling alone with my three children, who thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and adored Yahia. We also enjoyed a delicious true Jordan meal at his residence. Excellent hospitality and professionalism. It comes highly recommended by me.



Does this look like fun? Book tickets today!

Important details

Point of convergence:

We pick up our guests from any location in Jordan at any time. (Airports, Amman, Aqaba, Madaba, etc.)

Before you go, be aware of the following:

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