Kenya’s geographical location and the multi-ethnicity of its people

5 Day from Nairobi

1-Location of Kenya in the world:

Kenya’s geographical location: Kenya is a country in Africa, located in eastern Africa, crossed by the equatorial circle, and its land extends between latitudes 4.21 north and 4.28 south, and longitudes 34-42 east. North and Somalia to the northeast. the capital of Kenya is the city of Nairobi which is located in the interior highlands, separating it from the coast approximately five hundred kilometers, followed by the city of Mombasa located on the coast, then the city of Takoro and Kisumu and overlooking Lake Victoria. After gaining independence from England on December 12, 1963.

Kenya covers an area of ​​580,367 square kilometers. and its land begins with coastal swamps in which mangrove forests grow, followed by a coastal plain that extends along the country from north to south. M, and its highest mountains are Kenya, with a height of 5,196 meters. in the northwest of Kenya, the gully edge runs where there is Lake Rudolph, and high edges that sometimes reach 3000 meters have emerged from it.

Scientists have found some of the oldest known human footprints in the Great Rift Valley in eastern Africa, including parts of Kenya. Some studies conducted by members of the Leakey family (a family of anthropologists) and other scientists have led them to believe that there may be groups of people who settled in this area two million years ago. See Leakey, family. But so far little is known about the lives of these people. About 3,000 years ago, different groups of people began migrating to the Kenya region from different parts of Africa. These first groups are the ancestors of the current Kenyans, and they practiced agriculture, herding, and hunting.

2-The cultural economic system in Kenya after British colonialism

Kenya moved quickly to replace the economic and cultural systems of British colonialism. As for non-Africans who agreed to become Kenyan citizens, they were allowed to keep their property. In the field of education, the government has rapidly expanded the public school system, and many groups of citizens have established private schools.

3-Kenyan people eliminate esthetic differences

IAt independence, most Kenyans felt more loyal to their ethnic group than to their national government, in addition to the existence of differences between many ethnic groups. However, since independence, the Kenyan government has been able to make some progress in strengthening the sense of national pride among citizens and reducing the factors of division between them.

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