Kenya throughout history

1-Kenya between the Stone Age and the year 1920

Kenya throughout history, the territories that presently comprise East Africa and are known as Kenya have been inhabited by humans since the Paleolithic epoch. By the first century AD, the Bantu people’s migration from West Africa into Kenya had transformed Kenya’s location on the frontiers of the Bantu and Nilo areas into a multi-ethnic and multicultural country. The presence of Europeans and Arabs in Mombasa goes back to the early modern period, although European exploration of Kenya’s interior did not begin until the nineteenth century. The East African Protectorate was formed by the British Empire in 1895 and has been known as the Kenya Colony since 1920.

2-Kenya between 1920 and 1991

In the history of Kenya, this country became an independent republic in 1963 and was controlled by the nationalistic African National Union party led by Jomo Kenyatta from 1963 to 1978, and then by Daniel Arap Moi until 2002. Moi attempted to make the reigning one-party policy legal in the 1980s, but with the Cold War’s end, it became a practice. Political persecution and torture are abhorrent, which the West traditionally overlooked under the guise of combating communism. Moi was under intense pressure to reinstate the multi-party system, particularly from US Ambassador Smith Hempston, which he achieved by 1991.

3-Kenya after 1991

As for Kenya’s history after Moi won elections in 1992 and 1997 despite politically motivated killings that occurred during the elections, and evidence proving Moi’s involvement in human rights abuses and corruption was revealed during the 1990s, and Moi was constitutionally barred from running in the 2002 elections, which were won by Mwai Kibaki. Kibaki’s extensive cheating of the 2007 elections was uncovered, resulting in the 2007-2008 Kenya crisis. Kibaki replaced Uhuru Kenyatta in the 2013 elections, and there were suspicions that his opponent, Raila Odinga, was the true winner, but the Supreme Court found no evidence of fraud during the conduct of the general elections in 2013

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