The main religion in Zimbabwe

Religion in Mexico
The main religion in Zimbabwe

According to the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency’s 2017 Inter Censal Demography Survey, 69.2 percent of Zimbabweans are Protestant Christians The main religion in Zimbabwe, 8.0 percent is Roman Catholic, and 84.1 percent follow one of the Christian faiths.
Traditional faiths are followed by roughly 4%, undefined religions by 8%, and none by 8%. Other global faiths with little presence include Islam (0.7%), Buddhism (0.1%), Hinduism (0.1%), and Judaism (0.1%). While the country is predominantly Christian, most individuals practice components of indigenous faiths to varied degrees. Traditional religion and shamanic healers have also seen a surge in popularity, according to religious authorities.
Zimbabwe’s constitution guarantees religious freedom. There are foreign missionary groups in the nation.

Islam in Zimbabwe

Islam is practiced by fewer than one percent of Zimbabwe’s population. The Muslim community is mostly composed of South Asian immigrants (Indian and Pakistani), a tiny number of indigenous Zimbabweans, and relatively few North African and Middle Eastern immigrants. Mosques may be found in practically all of the bigger communities. There are 18 in Harare, 8 in Bulawayo, and a handful of mosques in smaller towns. The mosques and proselytization campaign are funded by the Kuwait-sponsored African Muslim Agency (AMA).

Islam in Zimbabwe The arrival of Islam in Zimbabwe dates back to the fourth century AH when Muslims established emirates on the coast of East Africa. During that period, slave traders extended their business to the interior regions until it reached Zimbabwe. Over hundreds of years, more than four million slaves were taken from Zimbabwe and other countries. and were exported from African Swahili ports by merchants to India.

Many Muslims entered Zimbabwe during the colonial period, and they came mainly from the Indian subcontinent, and estimates about the number of Muslims in Zimbabwe are fabricated from up to 120,000 people to up to 1.2 million people, according to the US State Department.

There were rumors saying that Arab traders played a major role in building Great Zimbabwe, and this is evidenced by the fact that there are a number of indigenous people in the city of Masvingo who have Arab Islamic names and follow a culture that is similar to the culture followed by Muslims, and a large number of Muslims have also arrived Since the discovery of diamonds in the Manicaland region of North and West Africa, Muslim immigrants have come in large numbers from the Yao tribe of Malawi bordering Zimbabwe.

The main religion in Zimbabwe

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